9th International DIP Symposium
BarcelonaDel 8 de marzo al 12 de marzo de 2017

Wednesday, March 8
Thursday, March 9 Friday, March 10 Saturday, March 11
Hall A
Opening Ceremony | A word from the Presidents and Opening Lectures
  Chairpersons: Luis Cabero, Spain and Alberto De Leiva, Spain 
15:00-15:10 A word from the Presidents and Authorities
Moshe Hod, Israel; Gian Carlo Di Renzo, Italy; Eduard Gratacos, Spain
15:10-15:40 The Great Obstetrical Syndromes
Roberto Romero, USA
15:40-16:10 Why we develop autoimmune diseases; the role of nutrients and the effect of the microbiome
Yehuda Shoenfeld, Israel
16:10-16:40 The March of Dimes Lecture
Joe Leigh Simpson, USA
Plenary Session 1 | The Omics and Pregnancy Induced Complications
   Chairpersons: Vincenzo Berghella, USA
16:40-17:00 Genetics, Maternal Fetal Medicine and  the Great Obstetrical Syndromes
Philippos Patsalis,Cyprus 
17:00-17:20 Metabolomics and the great obstetrical syndromes
Vassilios Fanos, Italy
17:20-17:40 Microbiome and the great obstetrical syndromes
Omry Koren, Israel
Plenary Session 2 | New Frontiers in Maternal Fetal Medicine; Connecting the to the F via Neonatal to Later Life
17:40-18:00 The Embryo; Unraveling the Syndrome of Diabetic Embryopathy; From cell signaling to clinical care. Connecting the bench to bedside
Ulf Eriksson, Sweden
18:00-18:20 The Fetus; Brain and Cardiovascular Development under Adverse Perinatal Environment
Eduard Gratacos, Spain
18:20-18:40 The Neonate; developmental origins of health and disease
Mark Hanson, UK
18:40-19:00 The Mother; Obesity – it all starts in the womb
Yair Yogev, Israel
19:00-19:20 The Mother; Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension and Pregnancy; Which Pregnancy Induced Complication is more hazardous to the mother and offspring?
Gerard Visser, the Netherlands
19:20-19:40 Maternal Medicine Meets Fetal Medicine – Putting the "M" back in Maternal Fetal Medicine 
Mary D'Alton, USA
19:40-20:00 Closing the day - Merging the perinatal hypotheses
Moshe Hod, Israel

20:30-22:00 Welcome Reception (Location: TBA)